How do different healthcare providers in the area of the elderly and ageing collaborate in the best way? This call for proposals should contribute to improved healthcare and care for the elderly in the Swedish welfare system. In total, SEK 40 million is reserved for the period 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027. The call is given within the framework of Elderly and ageing – one of five areas where Forte is commissioned by the Swedish Government to coordinate the national research.

Clarification 17 June 2024: Please note that the call has only one focus. The cross-cutting perspectives are included in the focus “Intersections and collaboration between different healthcare and care providers: consequences for the elderly, their relatives and staff”.

In a statement of orientation for the area of research into the elderly and ageing, Forte has identified several major areas of issues where new knowledge is required and where the existing knowledge needs to be applied in practice. For example, this includes the area of intersections and collaboration between different healthcare providers, which is also the subject of this call for proposals. Therefore, Forte wants to use this call for proposals to support research which can provide new knowledge, helping to develop methods and ways of working for collaboration between different providers in the area of the elderly and ageing. This is something which, in the long term, can lead to improved healthcare and care for the elderly in the Swedish welfare system. 

Focus of the call

Intersections and collaboration between different healthcare and care providers: consequences for the elderly, their relatives and staff

Elderly people who need healthcare and care often require input from several different providers. The providers need to collaborate, so that their efforts can be coordinated and so that the needs of the elderly person are at the core. The call for proposals therefore focuses in particular on how intersections or insufficient collaboration between different providers can create problems for staff, the elderly or their relatives, as well as how these problems can be avoided or managed. The topic of intersections and collaboration also covers research on how different pieces of legislation function in relation to each other, as well as questions about methods for needs assessment and what consequences needs assessment has for the elderly, their relatives and staff.    

There are also cross-cutting perspectives which may be relevant to many of the issues in the call for proposals and the area of the elderly and ageing. Healthcare and care need to take into account the heterogeneity which exists within the elderly population in Sweden and which will be reinforced in the long term. This applies to older people who were born in other countries, as well as national minorities, among others. It could also include sex/gender aspects or how unequal living conditions can affect health. 

About the grant

Grant type

Project grants, approved for three years. Project grants facilitate the implementation of a defined research project designed to contribute to increased knowledge about an identified issue. 

Funding amounts

You may apply for a maximum of SEK 5 million for three-year projects. Please note that the maximum amount includes so called indirect costs/overheads (OH). Applications that exceed the specified limit will be rejected. 

Eligibility requirements

  • Doctoral degree: To apply for a grant under this call for proposals, you must have obtained a doctoral degree no later than the closing date of the call for proposals.
  • Reporting for previous grants: The main applicant must have submitted the final report for any previously approved grants from Forte within the reporting deadline. This only applies to grants where the deadline for final reporting has passed. Any previously granted extensions of project duration, and consequently of reporting deadlines, will be taken into account.


No more than one application per main applicant is permitted within this call for proposals. As a participating researcher you may participate in more than one application. 

The administering organisation must have an account

To be able to apply for a grant, a Swedish university or another research funding body must administrate the funding and have an organisational account in Prisma. The administering organisation should apply for this in due time via Prisma.

Read more about Forte’s criteria for administering organisations.

Time plan

The call opens: 14 May 2024 10:00 CEST
Deadline for applications: 20 August 2024 14:00 CEST
Forte’s board decides on funding: 28 November 2024
Decisions are published: 29 November 2024
Project start: 1 January 2025

More about Elderly and Ageing

Forte is commissioned by the Swedish Government to coordinate the national research in the area of elderly and ageing. This includes, for example, studies of age-related diseases, elderly welfare and living conditions as well as the role of older people in society and on the labour market. We make special initiatives, communicate research results, and work together with others to increase the impact of research in society.

Read more about Elderly and Ageing at and on the page Funded research within the area of elderly and ageing.

In the statement of orientation for the area of research into the elderly and ageing (only available in Swedish) you can also read more about Forte’s mission for older people, our prioritised research areas, our goals and our strategic work